Bubble and Squeak

Before we get our collective knickers in a twist, let me assure you up front: I know this is not traditional bubble and squeak.

However, as a little kid I spent a few years in England where that pan-fried left-over vegetable breakfast dish featuring cabbage was always served with bacon and eggs. And if you were five years old and someone put a plate in front of you that held said veggies…


… and things that came out of the fridge looking like this…


… alongside meat that comes from animals known to squeal…


… what element on the plate would you assume was the “bubble,” and what was the “squeak”? I rest my case.

In fact, while I’m here anyway, I’m going to re-purpose the name: “Bubble ‘N Squeak, Cast in Teton.”

Here’s how you make it.

You take a well-seasoned cast-iron skillet and load ‘er up with as much squeak as the little piggies around the table will consume. Cook on low heat, and as soon as there is enough fat melted on the surface of the skillet, start pushing the squeak around gently so it doesn’t stick. (There’s nothing worse than sticky squeak.) Stand with a steaming cup of warm coffee in one hand, and while humming your favorite Willy Nelsen tune, flip the strips frequently until they’re almost done.

There will be shrinkage.


Skootch the squeak into the center of the pan and crack as many bubbles around the outside edge as you want. Resist the temptation to panic when you see the bubble white wandering casually over to make friends with the squeak. There will be intermingling. What can I tell you? Life is messy.


Let the bubbles firm up nicely and pepper to taste. Here comes the tricky part.

In the center of the pan, separate the squeak into serving size portions and mentally assign a bubble or two to each. Slide your spatula under a serving, and with the confidence worthy of a Julia or a Jacques, flip the whole mess over, all at once, all together.

That move alone will set the whole tone for your day. Nothing screams “Bring it!” more enthusiastically than flipping bubbles stuck to squeak like you mean it.


There may be breakage. Do not let this concern you. Bubble N’ Squeak, Cast in Teton, laughs at breakage.

Take the plates that have been warming in the oven, pop up the toast made out of your home-made bread (tomorrow’s post, coincidentally), pour the apple cider…


… and sit down with your Pookie for a friendly discussion about who is going to wash the skillet.


4 thoughts on “Bubble and Squeak

  1. Pingback: Happiness Is…

  2. Sandi Fentiman

    I thought bacon was squeal?! Anyways, going to have bangers for supper sometime. I know bangers are fat sausages.

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