Tag Archives: Pelican Point

Pelican Point Therapy

You know those days that start out ordinary and just stay that way from the first morning speed bump in the parking lot to the last tomato truck in front of you on the uphill drive home?

Pelican Point surf

Soon followed by the unwelcome reflection, “So, this is it? Is that all there is?”

Pelican Point surf

Fluorescent lighting overhead, an itchy tag in your sweater you didn’t notice until the second meeting of the day, a lunch hour spent in a slo-mo line at the post office…

Pelican Point surf

Wave after wave of email…

Pelican Point surf

Nothing majestic or inspiring or even noteworthy on the near-term horizon…

Pelican Point surf

We get those days too…

Pelican Point surf

… which makes a little Pelican Point therapy exactly the right cure.

Scratching A Hungry Itch

Quick, on your buzzers:

What does this man do for a living?



This is Will. Last September, Will and Jessica opened the Scratch restaurant…


… here …


… (in Victor, Idaho, to be precise), and they make the best dang…


… and …


… on the planet.

This is only appropriate, since Jessica and Will care about the planet and are committed to sustainable restaurant practices. They buy local when possible, box your leftovers in compostable containers, and serve meat that was more or less happy when slaughtered. (Hey, we all have our down days.)

They’re also committed to me sustaining my need for my fat jeans.

The food is both ridiculously delicious and inexpensive: think “French bistro” with all the butter and none of the ‘tude.

We went for dinner the first night, and then back for breakfast the next morning.  The only thing stopping us from going back for lunch that day was the fear they’d think we were stalking them.


The restaurant is teeny, clean, and sweet…


… and just ask Jessica how big the portions are.

Once you decide what you want…


… you can sit at the counter and watch them do this,


… and this. They laugh a lot for a couple who work 16-hour days.

I should have taken a photo of the perfectly spiced, exquisitely textured buffalo wings I had the first night for dinner, but by the time it occurred to me, all that was left was this.


Sorry.  I’ll just have to go back and try for some dinner shots again tomorrow.  Or maybe tonight.