Got My Eyes On You

We’ve landed in a very friendly community where all the neighbors watch out for each other.

I've Got My Eyes on You-4Or in some cases, they just watch each other, which is not at all the same thing.

I've Got My Eyes on You-1He and Winston have been scoping each other out for months, chittering and whining and generally taunting each other from a harmless distance.

And I am quite sure this squirrel is a “he,” don’t you agree?

Think we’re going to call him “Willy.”

Nikon D5100 DSLR

Love our Nikon D-5100 camera…

Nikon 55-300mm Nikkor Zoom Lens

…and Nikon 55-300mm autofocus zoom lens!

It’s all about the little details.

I've Got My Eyes on You-1-5And the tall ones.

Poor Winston. He’s been trying to extend his optical range by peering over fences since the beginning.

However, he remains somewhat limited in his wildlife viewing options, given his lack of wings, climbing gear, or the opposable thumbs necessary to hold our fabulous Vortex Diamondback binoculars or cherished Nikon body and lens.

Vortex Diamondback 10 X 42 binoculars

Fanny Bay Eagle-1Of course, in the circle of life around here, there’s always someone watching the watchers.

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