Tag Archives: adding photos Word Press app

iPad Test

It seemed like a good idea.

We have a great camera.

We have a blog.

We have a lot of time in the car, and there’s finally a mobile gadget that you can (sort of) type on like a real keyboard. Plus, there is both a Word Press app and a decent great photo editing app available for said gadget, so we should be all set!

In theory, this means that we should be able to easily blog from anywhere there’s a decent internet connection, right?

Blog? Yes. I did create this post entirely on the iPad: photo editing, writing, posting and all.

Easy? No. It took a LOT of trial and and even more errors, and I believe I seriously injured my patience portal in the process. And apparently, we aren’t the only ones struggling.

However, if learning new things and stretching your brain keeps you young, then I take comfort in knowing I just turned the odometer back a full ten years.

So thanks to Apple and Word Press, I’m now younger, and smarter, but also slightly less likely to be easy to get along with than I was two hours ago.
Halloo… Word Press? Can we get a little help here?

P.S. I can’t figure out how to add links from here, but once I get to my Mondo Mac, I’ll point you to some helpful pages.
P.P.S. Did I mention I’m a little bit cranky now?

And, back in front of the home Mac again. I’ve gone back in to the post and added a couple of links that might be of use.