Tag Archives: bagpipes

Harvey Yaw, Bagpiper For All Occasions

We could hear the bleating of “Amazing Grace” as we stepped out our front door, so I didn’t expect he’s still be playing by the time we got down to the beach and up The Path to the Ritz Carlton.


Good thing Harvey has such a large repertoire.


Harvey is as much a treat to watch as he is to hear. He’s got the full deal going on. And in the luxury of sitting in the sunshine, toes tapping to Harvey’s jigs and hymns, soaking in as much of both as I could, I started to have a few questions.

For instance, we hear this man fairly often from the balcony of our little pied a terre, when the wind is blowing the right direction.  It’s delightful, and when that happens I bless him, wondering what his name is.


The pipes themselves were spectacular. Does the Celtic-looking silver work have any clan significance?


Is that a ceremonial dagger? Do they keep it on hand in case the bladder for the pipes gets stuck on full throttle, like a car alarm that you can’t shut off?

What’s the deal on the tabs? Does it help them avoid the embarrassment of getting caught with their socks inside out?

And where do you buy shoes like that? Is there a secret “Hobbits ‘R’ Us” store somewhere, maybe hiding in plain sight?


Which lead (naturally) to “I wonder what he’s got in his pocketsies?”

When he stopped playing, Rick went up to give him our “rickandkathy” calling card and let him know he’d be showing up on our blog in the next day or two.  And that’s when not one but two mysteries were solved.

He unsnapped his furry pouch thingy and withdrew…


… his business card.


Turns out Harvey W. Yaw is a Bagpiper for all Occasions.


I’m not sure what the exact occasion was yesterday, but for us, the event was a beautiful early evening in April on the cliffs of Pelican Point, with Harvey.

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