Tag Archives: Jarvis Architects

Jarvis Architects

Rick and I are avid fans of good design. If only we had a few more lifetimes between us, we would have been architects. One of us might even have been good.

Good architects build upon ancient design principles and guidelines for pleasing aesthetics.

They also know and adhere to contemporary building codes, navigating the whole potential nightmare of permitting with the apparent  ease and grace of that cocoon woman in OVO I wrote about last week.


And don’t underestimate the significance of having a knowledgeable and experienced professional on your side of that permitting process. Without compliance, a design project can be a brilliant creation…


… yet go nowhere.

From the creative perspective, the true mark of architectural genius is knowing where and when you have to hang on…


… and where and when you can slingshot from the anchors into uncharted design directions.


Congratulations to our buddy Sue, and to all those at Jarvis Architects who share your passion and the Mayor’s Award for Excellence in Architecture!