Tag Archives: New Blog

On Surveys

It seems that most people can’t wait to share their opinion, on just about any topic, with zero prompting. Perversely, the less interested you are in what they think, the more intense becomes their desire to share.

So why do we cringe when approached by a friendly smile and a clipboard?


They’re standing RIGHT THERE, for heaven’s sake! With paper, a sharpened pencil, and an open mind, all they want to do is document for the benefit of all mankind (and the company that hired them) the gems of wisdom ready to spill from our lips.

This is not just a hypothetical rant. Today at a gas station, I almost caught my elbow in the car door trying to escape one of these opportunities.


I did door-to-door surveying, once.

I was attending Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, British Columbia, in the late 1970’s, and for reasons (and a cause) that elude me just now, earning cash by asking people what they thought on an important subject looked like easy money. I was to be paid per completed survey. Given my 19 years experience of the human race and what makes them tick, I was sure I would be a millionaire by mid-morning.


I lasted about 45 minutes.

That job has to rank in the “Jobs I Have Held and Hated” surveys just under “telemarketer” and “bowling shoe deodorant sprayer.”

Nobody, I repeat nobody, cared to discuss their opinions on the subject I can’t quite remember. Why? I didn’t understand. Hell, most of the time, you can’t get people to shut up long enough to tell them what you think.


My theory is that deep down, we all believe everyone is selling something.

The only way you can be sure you’re not being sold unto is to go first.

That’s why when a guy approaches me at a gas station with a clipboard in his hand and the beginnings of a “Crap, I hate this job!” look on his face, I know two things:

1. I didn’t start this interaction.

2. Whatever this guy is selling, I don’t want it, and I’m willing to risk my elbow to not have that conversation.

I’m saving my opinions, thank you very much, for this blog.



We’re hoping we can make some money on this someday. Of course, right now we don’t have a freakin’ clue what that would look like.

That’s not the sort of disclosure that builds credibility, I know, but we don’t care.  Life is good, and it’s such fun to chronicle it. Even if this remains merely a robust personal journal that we can share with friends and family, and for ourselves down the road, it still beats scrapbooking or stamp collecting as a hobby.

Feel free to poke around the site: our home is yours. Just leave the half bottle of zinfandel that’s in the fridge. Rick needs to cook with it tonight.

P. S. For those of you who have followed us here from Pink Fluffy Icing, welcome home!  Be sure to re-subscribe either on the home page so you know when there’s anything new on the whole site, or just on the specific section of your choice.  For first time visitors, welcome yerself. We’re delighted to have you join us as we chart a new course through the blogosphere together.

(Gosh… that was a pretty darn presidential sentence. I should run in 2012. )