Tag Archives: rescue dog

Tucker Recites Haiku


Walk as Tucker: blessed.
No matter life’s twists and turns…
Always face downhill.


Saved, no sire or bitch
Is known. But “rescue” is sweet.
Life! Life! Life! Life! Life!


Corgi? Beagle? Jack?
Yes. I slink, therefore, I am.
You know? Comment, please.


Secrets on the breeze…
Weimaraner on the beach?
Fickle bitch. Bye bye.


Forget heartache pain.
Life is short, and I am, too.
Want to hear a joke?


Cats must poop inside.
My gal loves me more than this.
She saves mine in bags.


Heee! Oooh… ahhh… well… hmmm….
No better moment in life
Than sigh after laugh.


Oh, noble beast, I am!
Chuckles are good, but… what’s next?
Set, poised, and waiting.

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