Tag Archives: wedding

Cinderella’s Wedding Train

To tell you the truth, I was a little cranky and not entirely in the mood. We’d spent the day doing our taxes and moving furniture and looking at photos of when we were thinner.

But you never know what you’ll encounter on “The Path,” so when you head out for the daily constitutional, no matter your head space, you just schlep the camera and stomp along.

Plus, what are you going to do when you see an entire wedding train full of happy celebrants bearing down on you at 14 mph in golf carts?


You hunker down on the curb and start taking pictures, that’s what you do.


This bodes well for them, don’t you think? Honestly, they both looked like they were having a blast.


Plus, they were surrounded by exuberant friends driving vehicles called “E-Z-Go.” That has to be a good sign.


They were wavers. And smilers.

Also good.


It wasn’t until they landed at the beach stairs, though, that we realized we were privileged to have accidentally shown up at Cinderalla’s ACTUAL wedding.

We saw the whole shoe thing go down.


The exchange was swift and discreet.

And may I just say… that dress?



The other lesser accessories appeared according to custom…


… and I’m betting when asked which one she wanted, the response was, “His.”

Or not. Maybe she”s a much sweeter little girl than I ever was.

Let’s go with that. She said, “Pink, please.”


I loved the 6 minutes we were part of this wedding party.

There was an attention to details that leaned towards “We care about the event,” but…


… there was a pragmatic and unfussy approach to the footwear involved.

You know our sentiment about fussy footwear. In the words of our friend Dushka, “I love gorgeous heels, but I love my feet more.”

So totally Cinderalla-ish….


The party migrated happily down the stairs, and it felt unseemly to traipse down after them, so we blessed them and quietly said “Fare well.”


But about those glass slippers left at the top of the stairs? So many stories, so little time…

We didn’t want to interrupt to exchange contact information, but Cinderella and Prince C.? If you would like high resolution versions of these photos, please contact us (rickandkathyjamison@gmail.com) and we’ll be happy to send them along, without charge. Ha! It’s our little way of disrupting the universe with random acts of kindness.

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